Monday, January 29, 2007

A Report from the Anti War Rally

I went down to the National Mall on Saturday for the Anti-War Protest. It wasn't as crowded as I would have imagined it but I guess when you are in a crowd you can only see what is around you, not the full view of what is around.

It was good, I was nervous that the speakers would drift off topic, which often happens at liberal protests, but they were pretty much on task. Several congresspeople were there and I think my favorite comment I heard from the stage was John Conyers quoting Maureen Dowd's Saturday Column asking a facetious question about Darth Cheney:
Has anyone in the history of the United States ever been so singularly wrong and misguided about such phenomenally important events and continued to insist he’s right in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?
My favorite sign I saw at the protest:

A file photo of Bush (looks like he is walking from the White House to his helicopter). Underneath it simply reads:
Nobody Likes You
And another gem from Maureen Dowd's article:
They [W and Cheney] are perpetually guided by the wrong part of the body. They are consumed by the fear of looking as if they don’t have guts, when they should be compelled by the desire to look as if they have brains.

Monday, January 01, 2007

YearlyKos Convention: #5 Thing to look forward to in Chicago in 2007

So says the Chicago Tribune (on page A1!):
5. Blogorama In August, Democratic presidential candidates will come a-courtin' the bloggers at the second convention of the Daily Kos blogging collective and its readers. With the 2008 election year drawing near, the second Yearly Kos, held at McCormick Place, should outdraw the hugely popular 2006 edition and might serve as an unofficial campaign-season kickoff.

I think that is pretty dang cool. You can also read my take on it on the YearlyKos Convention Homepage.